Saturday, November 21, 2020

Two 28" striper caught at the mouth of the Chester River in moderate seas.


We headed out on Friday with my Father and two uncles on a brisk and very breeze morning.  The wind was about 14mph out of the south with white caps, but an outgoing tide in the opposite direction kept the swells somewhat reasonable for a Grady 20'.  

We didn't spot fish until we got to our waypoint at the mouth of the Chester River.  We fished in about 28' of water where the sonar was active with fish in 15 to 28 feet or water.  As usual most fish were seen laying on the bottom.  The water temp was about 55 degrees. 

At around 12pm my uncle hooked into a 28" striper using 1oz. jig with 5 to 6" swim bait.  He slow jigged the bottom which proved to be the trick.  He caught two nice fish that day.